A foolproof Way to Make easy Money and Transform Your Betting with No Risk to Yourself,Now is your last chance to hit the Bigtime?
The only way you will have come across this service is as a special invitation as one of our privileged customers.We do not advertise this service to the general public.
II get the best information because I pay the best price for it. This information combined with my strategy and staking plan will be Your'Guarantee of making handsome profits.
Every day there are punters trying to win money from the bookmaker, backing horses that can`t win and that get mullered. Don't let their money stay with the bookies, follow my advice and get your share of that mug money. Nothing will stop the mugs-backing these no hopers, you might as well benefit.
I have some amazing information lined up shortly. I am giving you the chance to benefit from it Big Time for a small outlay. Multiplication is the name of the game. My method is simplicity itself; I will guide you every inch of the way.
150 Bets produced 108 Winning Bets (72% winners!). We made our members tens or even hundreds of thousands of pounds during this period to level stakes. using my unique staking plan you can multiply this return tenfold using the bookmaker's money.
My Strategy will increase your betting bank by a factor of ten.
Yes! I'll increase your winning potential ten-fold.
Furthermore, because of the kind of races we will be betting in, I'll decrease your downside — cushioning you from losing runs.
Take advantage of the knowledge that I have amassed over the last few years. I'll guide you every inch of the way. I'll keep you in your comfort zone — because you will be betting well within your means. Gearing will ensure that when you win, you win big.
More interesting still…………..Big Race Wins For Minimal Risk!
With the high winning ratio of 70%+ winners that has been consistent over many years the risk factor is very low.We only back one horse each day (sometimes none) and winning runs of ten, twelve or fourteen are not unusual for our clients.
This is how we constantly foil the bookies. THE DOWNSIDE IS NEGLIGIBLE — THE POTENTIAL FOR WINNING IS IMMENSE, IT'S ONLY COMMON SENSE! I'll give you the edge every time. You only have to look at my past record to realise that there's only one way to bet.
The main thing you have to remember is to follow my advice to the letter.Once you join you must back my proven selections only,even if you feel that you must back other horses as well, it's absolutely important that you always make the academy bets your main bets. Otherwise you won't experience the euphoria of backing:10 or 12 or 14 Winning Bets in a Row!
Look at my COMPLETE RESULTS for the last eight months. 108 winning bets from 150 bets.
We only left our money behind fourty two times out of one hundred and fifty bets. This is the kind of betting that builds both confidence and a strong betting bank.
I'm making you the offer to join me for the next six or twelve months at an extremely reasonable price. My reasoning is that after this initial period you will, if you so wish, continue to join me at a price commensurate with the profit you have already made. From my point of view, it's a sprat to catch a mackerel — from your point of view; it's a sardine to catch a whale. The thing you must not do is dilute my information with sub-standard tips that are ten a penny. You might think that by using sub-standard tips in conjunction with my advice and staking plan that you will make even more money.
Please avoid this pit-fall, you are going to have the potential to make a lot of money, don't waste your time chasing rainbows; stick to my winning advice and you'll find your money worries disappear. If we go a day or two without a bet — relax. We are in the game to win — you will find that when there is better class racing we will be betting more often. Remember we are only involved when it suits us, not when it suits the bookmakers who would like you to back a horse in every race. I may not run the cheapest service, but I definitely run the best!
The best of the season is about to unfold before us — join me and take advantage of some of the most amazing information that's coming up. Look at my results for the last eight months….
From 150 bets 108 WON (72% Winners!!)
Remember nothing beats a winning strategy that's tenaciously adhered to.
Guard against over-confidence; don't fall into the trap of thinking that the money you win isn't quite real. It's the mistake that most gamblers make. I will tell you exactly when to invest; my amazing results are calculated at SP, in reality we invariably did better if you had shopped around for better prices.
That’s only part of it…………..
Winnning runs of.... Twelve , eight (twice), seven(twice)six (six times), five etc etc
Longest losing run just four!
This is no get rich quick scheme,this is an investment strategy for life.You only have to see the results above to see the quality of information our clients receive week after week. These are my complete results for the last eight months with our information.
150 Bets and we only left our money with the bookies 42 times. The results are calculated at SP, we invariably did much better. Now that more and more bookmakers are available to bet with and offer better prices, my method and strategy is better than ever.
If you need to bet on every race each day, you need help that I cannot give you; but if you are patient and can bet when I advise you to, then I definitely can help you achieve consistent profit at the bookmaker's expense.
Activate Your Winners Club Membership today and get the following BONUS GIFTS (Worth Over £3,000.00) Totally FREE!
As a long established highly successful racing adviser,in the past, over 90% of my advices have been emanated from my extensive array of "moles" and "connections" throughout the horse racing industry.However it has always been a long held ambition of mine to devise a systematical method of betting which does not rely on "inside information", instead arriving at selections by means of a methodically analytical approach to the form book without any outside input.
A couple of years ago I bumped into an old school friend, another racing buff, but with a sharp mathematical mind and I suggested to him that we pool our "resources" in a quest to arrive at a system of betting which would yield regular worthwhile cash profits from only a few bets per week.After many weeks of "fine tuning", we finally arrived at a method which we were convinced would provide us both with a substantial second income which can be used by the regular backer on a full or part time basis.
We then both "tried" the system for over 18 months theoretically betting to £25 point win bets and in that time were most delighted by the impressive strike rate and prices of the winners,managing to accumulate "profits" of OVER £36,000 - an average of £700 PER WEEK! Now as well as using the method ourselves , we now feel comfortable in offering the system to a selection of genuine backers of discretion who can be relied upon not to disclose our system to all and sundry, thereby protecting the prices of the selections and of course the overall profitability.I am more than sure that this system will re-establish your belief that it is indeed possible to make a worthwhile profit from betting without having to subscribe to tipping services or spending hours and hours burning the midnight oil studying the form book.
Just to reiterate, the aim of the system is to make a good part or full time TAX FREE income from betting on horses depending on how adventurous you want to be.It NEVER SELECTS SHORT PRICED OR ODDS ON BETS.In fact here are just SOME of the incredible recent winners selected by this remarkle system:
WON 33/1, WON25/1, WON 20/1, WON 16/1, WON 14/1, WON 12/1, WON 10/1
The system is simplicity itself to operate - here are the facts;
>>Bets are found extremely easily from your daily paper or online.
>>Operates all year round - every day there is horse racing.
>>NO ODDS ON selections only good priced winners.
>>Extremely impressive priced winners up to 33/1!.
>>Average weekly profit - approximately £700 - TAX FREE - to £25 win stakes.
>>No need to buy any expensive form books.
>>Yours to keep and profit from for as long as you wish.
>>No following horses, trainers , owners of jockeys.
>>No need to place bets on my behalf - all profits are yours.
>>No need to purchase any "updates" to the system - once you own a copy it will last a lifetime.
*Usual Price £795
40/1, 16/1, 33/1, 20/1, 12/1, 16/1, 25/1 ETC ETC
"Quite incredibly simple, but at the same time remarkably profitable"
"Many thanks for enabling me to obtain a most welcome second income" -
"I didn`t realise it was so easy to make real cash profits from racing"
"I cannot thank you enough for showing me how to become a full time backer"
"I have been betting for as long as I care to remember and have never made so much money from racing"
"33/1 Winner yestreday followed up by 20/1 today.My friends think I have won the lottery!..Cheers Paul"
Hopefully you will now fully appreciate the tremendous profit potential of this remarkable system. At long last - REAL TAX FREE CASH PROFITS can be made by your good self for just a few minutes work each day.Why not start on a part time basis until you fully realise that what I am claiming is 100% TRUE before giving up your regular employment to concentrate on betting as a full time occupation and have more money and leisure time than you ever dreamed possible.Please remember that the above profits are quoted to only £25 point stake.However as you start to accumulate real profits and therefore gain confidence in the system you may become more adventurous and wish to stake more e.g £50 or £100 point stake - THE SKY REALLY IS THE LIMIT!
I therefore look forward to receiving your order and dispatching the full system to you so that you can get started in making a much better life for yourself during the rest of the year and beyond.
Kindest Regards for now,
You only have to look at the last few months results to realise this. Although I always calculate my prices at SP, much bigger prices have been available about my bets — and you can be sure that I will point you in the direction of exactly when to bet and the odds are in your favour not the bookmakers. I will even show you how to guarantee yourself the best price each day on the selections,this tip alone will give you an edge over mr average punter.
Having spent the past few weeks practising what I preach (i.e. taking time off and enjoying the fruits of my labour!) — I'm back, refreshed and ready to take the bookies' money again!
This is your chance to be with me from the beginning of what is going to be my most profitable campaign ever!
The highlife is out there; those who are getting their share aren't particularly worried about you struggling on. Everybody is entitled to a good holiday every few months and some time in the sun. That's my philosophy.
My formula works and I won't be changing it. We'll keep coming back fresh and taking the bookie's money. I believe in living now — not some time in the future.
Give me the chance to help you get your share of the abundant wealth that is out there.
My strategy keeps the bookies where they belong, between a rock and a very hard place. Resolve to follow my advice and I'll turn you into a consistent winner.
My staking plan is second to none. Remember we rarely leave our money with the bookies. 108 winning bets from 150 in the last 8 months proves selectivity pays.
Clients had cause to celebrate last month,When experiencing a winning runs of 5, 6, and 11 A profit of £3765 was achieved for just £100 Level Stakes. Even More Profit using my staking plan!
My message is always short and to the point. My Staking Plan is simple and I will explain it when you join. Mine is a relaxed method of backing horses. You will be looking at having on average four to seven bets a week. They will always be WIN SINGLES.
This is your only chance to be alongside Britains best known and most brilliant tipster.
Being involved with the best betting brain in the business will be a thrilling experience and ensure you are part of some of racing most legendary betting coups.Commiting £50-a-point to all Pauls selections over the last decade you`d have earned an incredible £524,000 - an average of £52,400 per year or a fantastic £1007 a week.
Take heed of Mark Twains words: "Twenty years from now you will be more dissapointed by the things that you didnt do, than by the ones you did do."
To be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win and expect to win.Start betting the Insider Investments way...Click on the join button and start today...
Total Profit +£524,000 last 10 years to £50 stakes-Profit on turnover 37%
My service is the best racing service in the UK. The reason is because I use a unique filter system now that keeps giving winner after winner at good prices.
We will give you a private webpage to access the bets daily.The daily message will be updated by 11 am every day.
Because everyone has a different financial background, it is important that you do not bet more than you can afford to. Having said we recommend that you start with no less than £200.00 as a betting bank (pool of money). When your betting bank doubles you double your stakes. All is fully explained in your information pack we send you once you have joined.
The service will select around 4-7 bets every week there is racing in the UK. The only time we don’t bet is when the racing is off due to the weather conditions.
Unfortunately not! The strike rate of winning bets using the system is around 80% on a monthly basis. This has been consistent since we began operating several years ago.
Yes I am 100% confident and I am totally dedicated to running the service.
Yes I will give you my personal contact details when you join.
Yes we will be arranging seminars and days at the races for all members.
Yes I have an account with Betfair and various bookmakers and confidently expect to win well over £150,000 this season.
It’s another income stream and helps pay for my costs to operate the service (form books,Timeform subscrition,contacts etc) plus I truly believe working with people like yourself will help us all to benefit in the long run.
At the time of writing I have just released a few more places. It really is something very, very special, so please don’t miss out. I will not contact you again.
Yes, it’s the only way I can see us beating the recession. With house prices crashing and no one’s job being safe etc, this is a way to make tax free money in very hard times.
No. Every client is fully vetted. That’s why only people like yourself are invited to join. It is a real exclusive syndicate. Members are recruited strictly by invitation only.
Yes. If for any reason you are not happy, then a swift refund will be sent no questions asked.
You can rest in the knowledge that the message contains no waffle and the bets are given out on your private webpage each morning before 11am.So simply log in and get your bets for the day in minutes.
We have various lengths of subscriptons to suit every pocket.
No, you will once you have paid your subscription there is nothing more to pay.
No, that’s what you are paying me for, so all you need to do is place your bets and collect your winnings.I will be working 7 days a week for you.
You just carry on with your betting the next day as normal.
I only use various methods to make profits that have taken me over 20 years to find. It is very, very successful.I wont let you know my secret methods buy just copy and profit from my bets daily.
Totally. It`s the best service I have offered and totally different to anything you have had before.
No,these systems are yours to keep and profit from whether you decide to stay with us or not.
Membership will be restricted to few applicants I have sent invitations to by email or post.I may not be the cheapest but I can confidently say I am the best in the horse racing investment area.Many professionals use this service,so I must be doing something right.
Please don`t start with us unless you have a betting bank ready.If you do not have this,then this oportunity is probably not for you.
If you are involved with any other racing service, please keep a separate betting bank for these bets; as when we are using my staking plan, we will be increasing our bets significantly. Something that is impossible if you lose the gains we make elsewhere. Give yourself every opportunity to win.
“Brilliant info time and time again I have never won so much money with your supreme network of contacts” M Bartley,Warehouse Administrator from Leeds
“I had just given up on finding a genuine service. Thanks to joining this year I am finally in front” T Reynolds,Dentist Asistant, Nottingham
“...a thoroughly professional, disciplined, honest and profitable service" GJones, Accountant, London
"...the only genuine service I have ever found" C.Andrews,gardener, Birmingham
"...Absolutely amazing- truly brilliant,Finally a service that really does work" AS, Milton Keynes
"I used the selections you told me to for three weeks and I made over £1600 in winning bets! It's the first time that anyone has made me any money from horse racing..." P Simpson, Plumber,Grimsby
“Thanks for the prompt delivery. Your service has exceeded my expectations by a long way. There is no waffle on the daily message” Mrs T Winters,Housewife from Newcastle
“ My first month made me 34 points ,£3400 banked, thank you for everything”A Masters, Bristol
“Why do our Competitors Guarantee their Advice for only 30 days? Do they know something about their advice that they are not telling you?”
Membership from only £14 monthly with our uinque Pay As You Win Service.Click the button below for more details...
Alternatively Send Cash ( by Registered post only)Cheque/Postal Order to:Confidential Publishing ,PO Box 7044 ,Kettering,NN166AG
Please include your full name and address and code (IS)
For Bank Transfer details text me 07857477911 or email: coleman57@hotmail.com
Alternatively Send Cash ( by Registered post only)Cheque/Postal Order to:Confidential Publishing ,PO Box 7044 ,Kettering,NN166AG
Please include your full name and address and code (IS)
For Bank Transfer details text me 07857477911 or email: coleman57@hotmail.com .